Brass City Jamnagar's Industrial Directory of Ferrous & Non-Ferrous Metal Component

About Us

The largest industrial directory for manufacturer, supplier and exporter of ferrous and non-ferrous metal components

We are the number one destination for manufacturer, supplier or exporter looking to expand their products and services across the globe. Also, we are the prime choice for buyers looking to source high quality ferrous and non-ferrous metal components. We provide complete and up-to-date information about the manufacturer or supplier for buyers.

We provide a detailed categorization of companies and products to offer our visitors a fast search experience and pre-qualified companies.

We are committed to provide each of the manufacturer, supplier or exporter a better exposure to the global market and deliver them a platform where they can interact with buyers from around the world.

We deliver a global platform for businesses of all size from small or large businesses, enterprise or corporates and help them to grow business and build brand awareness.

Why Sellers or Buyers should choose Jamnagar Online as a One Stop Solution for their business?

Benefits for Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter or Distributors

  Access of your own Marketing website comprised of the home page, about us, product images, product description, Inquiry form, customer reviews and contact us sections.
  Add, Remove or Edit your company profile or product listing anytime, anywhere.
  Reach to the millions of buyers to expand your business globally.
  Access of the inquiry received from Buyers with complete information of Buyers.
  Add an unlimited number of products or category. There are no limitations in the product listing.

Benefits for Buyers

  Access to the largest database of the world’s leading manufacturer, exporter and supplier of ferrous and non-ferrous metal components.
  Connect to manufacturer, supplier or exporter easily by sending them inquiry as per your specific requirements.